extraction 2015
extraction 2015



《終極救援》(英語:Extraction,香港譯《虎膽特攻》)是一部於2015年上映的美國動作驚悚片,為史蒂芬·C·米勒執導。由凱蘭·魯茲、布魯斯·威利、吉娜·卡拉諾、D·B·史威 ...

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2015年11月19日 — The story follows CIA agent Harry Turner, who must go rogue in order to save his father after he's captured during an operation gone wrong.

Extraction (2015 film)

Extraction is a 2015 American action thriller film directed by Steven C. Miller and written by Umair Aleem. The film stars Kellan Lutz, Bruce Willis, ...

Extraction (2015)

A former CIA operative is kidnapped by a group of terrorists. When his son learns there is no plan for his father to be saved, he launches his own rescue ...

Extraction (2015)

Extraction (2015) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

Watch Extraction

Extraction. 2015 | Maturity Rating:16+ | 1h 31m | Action. When a retired CIA agent is kidnapped, his son, a government analyst, embarks on an ...


《終極救援》(英語:Extraction,香港譯《虎膽特攻》)是一部於2015年上映的美國動作驚悚片,為史蒂芬·C·米勒執導。由凱蘭·魯茲、布魯斯·威利、吉娜·卡拉諾、D·B·史威 ...


片長:83分; 上映日期:2016/01/15. 《鋼鐵墳墓》億萬製作團隊,《終極警探》布魯斯威利主演。前CIA探員萊諾被恐怖份子綁架,他的兒子哈利在求助無門的情況之下,只好 ...


2015年11月19日—ThestoryfollowsCIAagentHarryTurner,whomustgorogueinordertosavehisfatherafterhe'scapturedduringanoperationgonewrong.,Extractionisa2015AmericanactionthrillerfilmdirectedbyStevenC.MillerandwrittenbyUmairAleem.ThefilmstarsKellanLutz,BruceWillis, ...,AformerCIAoperativeiskidnappedbyagroupofterrorists.Whenhissonlearnsthereisnoplanforhisfathertobesaved,helauncheshisownrescue ...,Extrac...